Take it from a former lawyer.
Time management almost always equals stress management.
I don't know of a single person who isn't overworked, with a sky high to do list, feeling like they're never on top of their work.
That's not the problem.
The problem is that it stops us living our lives.
It stops us doing the things that could improve our lives.
Now I would love to come to your office, smash up your computer, set fire to your files and leave you with a clear to do list, but I don't like prison.
So I did the next best thing. I created a course that helps you smash your to do list, regain your energy and start feeling human again.
All in five minutes a day.
Yes, I am in fact a witch.
What's more, this isn't just a home study course.
Because throughout 2019 I'm running Your Best Week as a sprint (as in a sprint to the finish, get shit done) every two months. Live. With a tonne of live daily support from me.
But I'm not charging you a penny extra.
So... what are you waiting for? Let's get started shall we?
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